Currently lvl12, i have the following stuff in my bank:
Steel Sabre Runeword
Ryhme Wooden Shield Runeword
Stealth Quilted Armour Runeword
Sigon Helm
Sigon Shield
I was thinking of getting full sigons, but i dont really know what would be best.
I have really low funding, but i do have a lvl73 hammerdin ready to look for runes/items. He has like 161% MF, nothing too helpful.
Thanks for any help!

Full Sigon's is an option, although better for melee. Nightsmoke is an excellent belt. You shall also make/find/trade the following cheap things for later levels:
- 'Lore' helm
- 'Spirit' sword
- 'Spirit' monarch (equipped way later on due to 156 str req)
- Skin of the Vipermagi (a bad one is cheap yet godly)
- Eye of the Etlich
- Magefists, Frostburn's (you'll probably need FCR on gloves later on, so Frosties may not be your final option), Bloodfists
- Natalya's or Aldur's boots
- 'Insight' polearm (not spear!!) for your merc
'Stealth' and 'Rhyme', which you have, are very good leveling items for sorcs but will eventually be outclassed by Vmagi and 'Spirit' when you manage to get them.
Basically, you shall reach the following goals:
- 20/37 fcr at low levels, 37/63 for mid levels and 63/105 for high levels (117 for lightning); at least 105 in your final gear
- decent resistance (30+ light/fire/cold at least I'd say, in that order of importance)
- decent life
- decent mana, or willingness to spam blue pots. 'Insight' shall help a lot
- life leech and resistance for merc on head/body slots
Remember, survival is more important than kill speed. Because when you're dead, you're not killing anything

Put on a bunch of +mana gear (stuff with any grade of sapphires in it) and blow stuff up with your ranged spells. Don't be afraid to invest in low level spells as respecs will be available.
Full Sigon's is an option, although better for melee. Nightsmoke is an excellent belt. You shall also make/find/trade the following cheap things for later levels:
- 'Lore' helm
- 'Spirit' sword
- 'Spirit' monarch (equipped way later on due to 156 str req)
- Skin of the Vipermagi (a bad one is cheap yet godly)
- Eye of the Etlich
- Magefists, Frostburn's (you'll probably need FCR on gloves later on, so Frosties may not be your final option), Bloodfists
- Natalya's or Aldur's boots
- 'Insight' polearm (not spear!!) for your merc
'Stealth' and 'Rhyme', which you have, are very good leveling items for sorcs but will eventually be outclassed by Vmagi and 'Spirit' when you manage to get them.
Basically, you shall reach the following goals:
- 20/37 fcr at low levels, 37/63 for mid levels and 63/105 for high levels (117 for lightning); at least 105 in your final gear
- decent resistance (30+ light/fire/cold at least I'd say, in that order of importance)
- decent life
- decent mana, or willingness to spam blue pots. 'Insight' shall help a lot
- life leech and resistance for merc on head/body slots
Remember, survival is more important than kill speed. Because when you're dead, you're not killing anything

I agree with most of this. All of these are especially cheap when traded for or can be made very easily with the new rune drop rates. For level 12, almost any low set will suffice til you can use the better runewords. Irathas gives great bonuses for items that don't have a lot of better options at low levels. Sigons is the obvious choice for the defense, skills and resists. A caster has a LOT of wiggle room in gear choices in the early levels, as the monsters are generally pretty weak and will be flocking to your merc.
A lore helm, spirit sword, insight polearm for merc and possibly a sigons shield or +skills ammy will free up a LOT of options for the rest of your gear as far as resists, FCR and mana. You can probalby use those as your "base" gear through til the end of nightmare difficulty, at which point you should find upgrading fairly easy.
Make sure you post results.|||I need a 4 socket sword, then! How do I get one without spending alot?
EDIT: Dont need the sword anymore, I made my spirit sword, but i still cant find a 4 socket polearm anywhere! If you have one ft, please let me know what your asking for it!
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