Started Hell MFing. My sorc isn't fully decked out in gear yet. I'm still missing Tal's armor which I think will help (I have the belt and the ammy). I also have shako occy spirit some cast rings, frosties, travs
Anyway, I'm level 84, blizzard, and have a decent merc yet I'm having trouble with Andy and Meph.
What's the best way to do Andy? There's so many other monsters there. Should I kill them all first? I tried just teleing right up to her and killing her quickly but I got owned.
Meph kills me in like one shot. I've heard of the moat trick but can never get it to work, meph can always still shoot me|||Are you doing full game runs? If so, stop it.
Your merc should be able to tank Meph for the few seconds it takes your Blizzard to take him down if he has normal gear. You could clear up around Andy a little until you get comfortable enough with the method of killing her.
Also, don't forget Ice Blast spam between Blizzards.|||Andy is a quick kill for Fire - they can telestomp her and spit in her face and she's done in a few seconds - cold, not so quick. Considering how many things spawn in there, it's only worth running her if you're running meph too quickly (which doesn't sound like it will be the case)
Meph - first if one shot kills, your hp/res is probably WAY too low. However, he can be killed with neg resists so....
Second, in order for the moat trick to work, you shouldn't be able to see him completely, otherwise you run the risk of getting hit with blizzard, coldball, or lightning.|||For andy what i find that works is to tele near her, preferably not smack in the middle of a mob, then cast blizzard-ice blast if i can-teleport around-repeat.
Try standing in about this position for meph|||What i liked to do for Andy before I could just blast her a point-blank is to TP from the stairs to the little antechamber to the east, kill the Fallen shaman spawn right there, and then come around the corner. You can get Andy to come after you without triggering most of the other spawns nearby.
Finishing Tal's set would make a big difference, but the 3-piece setup wont do much besides give you the extra MF. The FCR doesnt matter that much since Blizz is timered, and the resists and MDR are nice, but won't turn "dies a lot" to "easy as cake"|||When using the moat trick, just remember that if Mephisto's head is visible on your screen, he can attack you. Move far enough away that his head is off the screen.|||In the picture posted above, there is a golden ball just above the sorceress' head. That golden ball is a marker, if you stand behind the ball (from the character's perspective), Mephisto will not hit you.|||Heres my suggestion start out with a hammerdin. You will be way more sturdy than a sorc with an hdin anyways.|||Sorcs do meph and andy without any danger if you use safety gear(aka stormshield, reapers hf merc) and are way way cheaper than dins.
Also you can use the door trick on andy if you arent geared yet, that is lure her to door, tele to other side, spam blizz on door, dead andy and no danger to sorc
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