Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fastest build to level 30?

I'm going to make an orb-it-aller at level 30, but since we now have a free respec, I'd like to ask the community what build gets you to level 30 the fastest, untwinked.

You can take advantage of the lower level skills that you wouldn't necessarily include in a finished build, example frost nova, static field, fireball, etc.

Not that pumping firebolt till 12, pumping fireball after 12, 1 point in blizzard at 24 is all that hard or slow, But how much faster would putting points into blizzard at from 24-30 speed up that journey?

Would a heavy static field build, maybe using a gemmed hunters bow, be a fast killing early build? Or maybe really pump frost nova? Or can you a combination of the two?

I saw a similar guide on the amazon forums, with a respec in mind at level 30, and thought it was an interesting question for sorcs.

Thanks for any input,

MrGohl|||I would personally say the fire method is the fastest/most effective way.

I did the fire bolt/fire ball build until I was high enough to use blizzard, then reset the char to a pure cold sorc. Leveling was super easy as fireball does great dmg even at low lvls and hits multiple targets.

Pump static field + nova might work ok...but it would be a huge mana hog at low levels. I'd still go with fire.|||Another point to mention is that you can pump mana/energy stats where normally you would leave energy at base. How much does pumping energy allow you to spam frost nova? And is a level 6-10 frost nova (with the mana to spam it) more effective than a level 1 fireball with 5 or 6 points in firebolt synergy?

I guess what I'm really asking is which is more effective

1. Static field pumping

2. Frost nova pumping

3. firebolt/fireball pumping

or a combination?

P.S. what about full static field pumping in an 8 player game?|||Quote:


Thanks for any input,


Hard to say, depends what orbs drops and if you can play in full game or not.

In full games static is even more important.

I would build mine around weak fireball, weak blizz and huge static.

You have 28+4 points

Levels 1-18 (17+2 skills points)

1...4 fire bolt (to get Q1 and Q2 done, gemmed bow for merc)

5 warmth

6...11 static

12...15 fire ball ( ~50 fire ball damage)

16...17 static

18..19 tele (telekinesis)

Levels 19...29 (11+2 points)

With these points I would put even more points to static, 3 blizzard, so at lvl29:

you have 4 fire bolt, 1 warmth, 4 fire ball

3 blizz + 4 pre (It's easier to static under blizz and fire is quite weak in act4 act5 anyway)

1 tele + telekinesis

14 static (12 yards, 9 mana cost)


Maggot lair you need to run through, there fireball is needed. You can't use static+merc kills there. Same goes with arcane too.|||Quote:

Hard to say, depends what orbs drops and if you can play in full game or not.

In full games static is even more important.

I would build mine around weak fireball, weak blizz and huge static.

You have 28+4 points

Levels 1-18 (17+2 skills points)

1...4 fire bolt (to get Q1 and Q2 done, gemmed bow for merc)

5 warmth

6...11 static

12...15 fire ball ( ~50 fire ball damage)

16...17 static

18..19 tele (telekinesis)

Levels 19...29 (11+2 points)

With these points I would put even more points to static, 3 blizzard, so at lvl29:

you have 4 fire bolt, 1 warmth, 4 fire ball

3 blizz + 4 pre (It's easier to static under blizz and fire is quite weak in act4 act5 anyway)

1 tele + telekinesis

14 static (12 yards, 9 mana cost)


Maggot lair you need to run through, there fireball is needed. You can't use static+merc kills there. Same goes with arcane too.

Thanks for the replys. Your plan looks pretty solid. Since I originally posted, I've been trying the frost nova all in, and its...meh, ok. Kills quick, chugs mana, might be ok with the chipped/flawed/normal sapphires I'm about to dump into helms/armor i found.

So now that I'm level 12, (and have already put 4 or so pts into frost nova), would you recommend I just go fireball, blizz from here on out, cause i dont think i have enough points to really get static too large by 30 now?|||try blizz after 24... massive damage, so good in fact that you might be disappointed when you switch to orb |||Are you talking about my zon guide?

Really, a Fire build with Leaf in a +FBall staff completely dominates anything else at very low levels. If you can get to A5, running Eldritch in MP games with FB goes really fast and yields crazy exp. 30 str for Stealth BP, rest in vit:ene at 2:3 or 3:5. You wont have the mana regen for a Light-heavy build (Nova or CL) that early and untwinked. Blizz is also a proven commodity, so a Blizzballer-esque build might be the way to do it.

I'd also advise not respeccing right at L30. FO, like most L30 skills, is kinda sucky with just the first point, and you need maybe 4-5 points in FO with 4-5 points in CM before it starts becoming NM-worthy as a main attack. Keep pumping Blizz till L34-35 or so (with one point in CM at 30), then make the switch when you're ready.

I ran Orbitaller from the start, 24-30 wasnt too bad just running Eldritch with pure FB, then respecced to CL/FO when I got to Hell. Blizzballer would have been a little faster, but I didnt want to have to respec twice

Most important thing you can do in Normal is find your merc a good pokeystick, I got lucky and found a 3os eth Pike, and a source of leech to complement his Prayer. Your rate of progress will largely be dictated by how alive you can keep your merc 3-Sol armor, once you start finding Sols (they can be easily traded for now too), will pretty much do the trick in Normal, and you can Pskull a socketed spear or try to acquire a pruby and make a low-level Blood Crafted helm.|||Quote:

Thanks for the replys. Your plan looks pretty solid. Since I originally posted, I've been trying the frost nova all in, and its...meh, ok. Kills quick, chugs mana, might be ok with the chipped/flawed/normal sapphires I'm about to dump into helms/armor i found.

So now that I'm level 12, (and have already put 4 or so pts into frost nova), would you recommend I just go fireball, blizz from here on out, cause i dont think i have enough points to really get static too large by 30 now?

Frost Nova is good too (but only once, as its so mana hungry that you don't want to try that again). It's little better if you have at least one higher char to give money and some mana items/gems. I have tried both with nova and frost nova, but I needed to buy 50 pots in every 3 min. Nice leveling speed anyway. Three or 4 row belt is almost mandatory.

So continue with frost nova as you started it already, just change to blizz at lvl 24.|||FIRE!!! (+static/teleport)

peace|||The funniest thing about the Orb-it-aller is that it's among the fastest leveling builds either way. You end up saving a respec over not doing something weird like playing a totally different build until 30 or whatever.

Outside of that, I really, really like playing the Charged Boltress through the first 30 levels. It slows down a bit right before you get Frozen Orb, and then you speed way back up again.

Maybe not, though, I was playing really aggressively in multiplayer games and doing pretty well, untwinked outside of a +3CB staff I muled on at level 3 or 6 or something.


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