stats are 156 str (till i get str reducing gear)
rest vit
I am using
2 nagels
+1 sorc ammy
g warp
spirit sword/shield
rare boots with mf
ptopaz skullders
some life/res charms and 25% gheeds
merc is using lvl 14 med insight.
sorc is built for blizz but I am having real issues mfing anything in hell... I am wondering would a meteorb be worth going into which the gear I am using atm? if not what are some good tips for trying to mf in hell during these early days of reset?|||What's the roll on both spirits? IF they do not add upto 63, switch gloves to magefists / trangs.
What spot are you trying to MF? Mephi? Tunnels?|||one is 27% the other is 33% so i guess i need to get gloves.. but i was trying meph.. my merc gets himself killed. and i never tried ancient tunnels.|||The ancients tunnels (beneath the lost city in act 2) has no cold immunes and isn't dangerous at all so you can try there. Go without a merc and use the most trick (see here) against meph.|||I use a blizz sorc and have no problem running andy/meph/ancient tunnels in hell.
As stated get some caster gloves so you hit that 63fcr should have plenty of FHR if you're using 2 spirits so that shouldn't be a problem.
Most mercs are going to die at meph, your best bet is to use the moat trick to take meph down. If you're far enough back your merc shouldn't be able to see him and you'll save yourself the 50k.|||It's a little difficult, but you can save your merc. If mephisto sees him and attacks him, just teleport a little bit away. Does not always work and this tactic even draws the attention of nearby monsters, but it sometimes is worth it. My merc dies frequently, so I usually go to Mephisto when he is dead and raise him afterwards.|||I'm using a very similar build on my blizz sorc, and am having no problem with hell. Main skills are glacial spike (Being able to freeze more then one monster at a time makes it > ice blast imo) and blizzard. Static and telekenisis for immunes while my merc kills them. I can run Andy Mausoleum lost tunnels meph and pindle.
Pcrown (ptopaz)
res/mf ammy
um'd vmagi (would like to use skullders but for now I need the fcr/resist)
fcr/res rings (Don't need the fcr but I do need the res..)
Chance guards
res/mf boots
35fcr spirit monarch
And a slightly budget merc
~4k def stone
eth bonehew w/ 2shael
Could use a little more mf, but that will come once I can make up for the lack of resistance.
What you should probably focus on is gearing up your merc to be able to tank, see what you can do to increase his ias and leech and get him a cheap highdef armor. I'm not using insight atm in favor of him actually doing dmg until I can get a nice elite base. I also like to keep as many res charms as I can, even if they are on the low side. Gotta make sacrifices this early when no one has anything

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