Question 1: As far as I am aware, when you take hits that is bigger than 1/16th (i think?) of your max health, your character has a chance to go into a recovery animation (one that is affected by FHR).
Here is my question: when the game determines if you will go into recovery animation, does it base the damage before or after the damage reduction by Energy shield?
Case 1: I have 1000 health, I get hit by 100 points of damage from an Undead Stygian Doll, but my ES takes away 50 points of that damage, so I take only 50 and do not enter recovery.
Case 2: I have 1000 health, I get hit by 100 points of damage. I go into recovery, regardless of ES.
Question 2: Does ES take off damage before or after Damage red/Magic Damage red by X? (X being a number, rather than a %).
Thanks in advance|||Are you asking for the sake of pvm or pvp? In pvm, its not nearly as important unless you're in HC as you shouldn't be put in FHR much unless you make it a point to get hit intentionally.
Pvp wise, fhr is a major factor (stunlock) but you then have to consider the damage reduction as well as certain attacks giving you the swirlie regardless (like MB).|||Well I was asking primarily from PvM's point of view. I have been playing D2 since the 1.09d days and read a lot about mechanics of D2. This was one of the few things that eluded me, I never built a single PvP Sorc with Energy shield hence why I completely overlooked it.
I was reading up on a guide about a Meph sorc that used only FO and used max block, some FCR and some FHR for safety in hell. I probably won't be using max block due to the complete lack of high block/FCR shields (I am one of those 105% FCR fans), so I am using dual Spirits.
But let's say that I am asking from PvP point of view, I have 1000 HP and I take a 100 Hit. Under normal circumstances, I would go into recovery (which I THINK is 1/16th of total health). Now let's assume my ES takes 50% off, which would happen:
1. Since I still took damage greater than 1/16th of my total health (albeit some to mana, some to health), I would still go into recovery.
2. Since I only received 50 health damage, I do not get recovery period, so ES effectively allows me to take 2x bigger hits before I go into recovery.
Thanks|||The reason I brought up PvP is that pvp changes the dynamics, as certain attacks can put you and keep you in FHR regardless of damage taken. That's what I loved about my Ghost last season =)
I myself haven't read up on the point fhr kicks in since I haven't pvp'd in over a year. In pvm with fcr, your focus is typically damage, so you're typically using those points in synergies and have none to spare for TK.
Without TK synergized, ES loses a lot of its benefit, as mana gets hit harder, and so does the hp pool.
The things that typically put you in FHR are usually going to mana burn you too, destroying your "shield" instantly, and negating the use. Without the max block, and depending how much you've got in vit, you're probably in a bit of trouble.
The ES sticky provides a great deal of in depth info for using ES.
But as far as damage taken putting you in FHR - as ES does reduce the damage taken, you can take more damage generally speaking before FHR kicks in. But the damage absorbed by ES is dependent on gear (any possible integer damage reduction) and point distribution.|||To address the OP's actual question - I'm pretty sure the damage that goes to mana doesnt "count" towards your FHR threshhold. You'd have to take 1/14 of your life (I think thats the number) after ES to trigger the FHR animation
And ES comes before any other mod - before PDR/MDR, before resists, so a little PDR goes an awful long way for an ES sorc.|||Thanks all, that's all I need to know about ES for now

Rest assured, I did synergise ES with my TK, and at the moment I am using a merc with insight. Must say I am rather impressed the amount of damage she can take. She took more damage to kill than the merc :P. (This is in NM though, I think my build has a problem in hell...)